Saturday, September 2, 2017

2017. Week 18.

We are thankful for these lunchbox peppers.  They just keep producing. The variety is called Yummy Orange. They have been strong producers though the heat and the rain and the rain and the rain. They're becoming one of our favorites. How about you? What has been your favorite crop so far?


  1. The corn has been exceptional! Eggplant and potatoes have been delicious as well.

  2. I can't say what I liked most because everything has been great. However, I really loved the Napa cabbage because it made such a good batch of kimchi. Great fermentation starts with great natural bacteria from the soil and there was definitely a difference using yours vs. grocery store. The corn also has been phenomenal. I'll be sorry when the CSA is over for the year, but looking forward to next year! P.S. Your blog postings each week are really useful. Thank you.
