Saturday, September 15, 2018

2018. Week 19

New this week:

Kiwi Berries- Kiwi Berries are a small variety of the kiwi fruit with an edible skin. If you have hiked back to the field for pick your own, they are the things on the trellis!  IMPORTANT: They are best eaten when the skin is wrinkled and they yield to pressure.  Really, the softer the better. As they soften they get more and more sweet. Leave at room temperature to ripen. 

Butternut squash- is a winter squash very similar to pumpkins. Butternut squash is wonderful roasted, pureed in soup, or mashed to mix into casseroles, bread, or muffins.  

Butternut Squash and Kale Recipe

Acorn Squash- Acorn squash have an orange-yellow flesh. The flavor is sweet and nutty with a smooth texture. These are quick and easy to prepare. Slice in half, scoop out the seeds, place halves face down on a plate, place in a microwave, and zap them on high until fork tender, or roast in the oven. Flip them over and fill the center with butter, brown sugar or maple syrup. Eat them right out of the shell. An added bonus is that this squash is excellent stuffed. Yum!  Baked Acorn Squash Recipe

Here is a link to my favorite winter squash soup using both butternut and acorn squash. 

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